30 Inspirational Quotes from Ustadz Yusuf Mansur

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Who is Ustadz Yusuf Mansur?

Ustadz Yusuf Mansur is a well-known Islamic preacher and entrepreneur from Indonesia. He is known for his motivational speeches and has inspired millions of people around the world with his words of wisdom. He is the founder of several successful businesses, including a TV station, a publishing company, and a charity foundation.

What are some of the most inspiring quotes from Ustadz Yusuf Mansur?

Here are 30 of his most inspiring quotes:

1. “Jangan takut menghadapi tantangan, karena tantangan akan membuatmu lebih kuat.”

Translation: “Don’t be afraid to face challenges, because challenges will make you stronger.”

2. “Kesuksesan bukanlah tentang keberuntungan, melainkan tentang kerja keras dan doa.”

Translation: “Success is not about luck, but about hard work and prayer.”

3. “Jangan terlalu fokus pada kesalahanmu, tetapi fokuslah pada cara memperbaikinya.”

Translation: “Don’t focus too much on your mistakes, but focus on how to fix them.”

4. “Kebahagiaan sejati bukanlah tentang hartamu, melainkan tentang hatimu.”

Translation: “True happiness is not about your wealth, but about your heart.”

5. “Ketika kamu merasa lelah dalam berusaha, ingatlah bahwa Allah selalu bersamamu.”

Translation: “When you feel tired in your efforts, remember that Allah is always with you.”

6. “Jangan menyerah pada kegagalan, karena setiap kegagalan adalah pembelajaran.”

Translation: “Don’t give up on failure, because every failure is a lesson.”

7. “Jangan pernah meremehkan doa, karena doa adalah senjata terkuat kita.”

Translation: “Never underestimate prayer, because prayer is our strongest weapon.”

8. “Ketika kamu merasa sedih, ingatlah bahwa Allah selalu memberikan jalan keluar.”

Translation: “When you feel sad, remember that Allah always provides a way out.”

9. “Jangan pernah merasa cukup puas dengan dirimu sendiri, tetapi selalu berusaha untuk menjadi lebih baik.”

Translation: “Never be satisfied with yourself, but always strive to be better.”

10. “Ketika kamu merasa kesulitan, ingatlah bahwa Allah selalu memberikan kemudahan.”

Translation: “When you feel difficult, remember that Allah always provides ease.”

11. “Jangan pernah takut untuk bermimpi besar, karena Allah selalu memberikan yang terbaik untukmu.”

Translation: “Never be afraid to dream big, because Allah always gives the best for you.”

12. “Ketika kamu merasa sendirian, ingatlah bahwa Allah selalu bersamamu.”

Translation: “When you feel alone, remember that Allah is always with you.”

13. “Jangan pernah merasa tidak berguna, karena setiap orang memiliki potensi yang besar.”

Translation: “Never feel useless, because everyone has great potential.”

14. “Ketika kamu merasa frustasi, ingatlah bahwa Allah selalu memberikan kesabaran.”

Translation: “When you feel frustrated, remember that Allah always gives patience.”

15. “Jangan pernah meremehkan orang lain, karena setiap orang memiliki nilai yang sama di hadapan Allah.”

Translation: “Never underestimate others, because everyone has the same value in Allah’s eyes.”

16. “Ketika kamu merasa putus asa, ingatlah bahwa Allah selalu memberikan harapan.”

Translation: “When you feel hopeless, remember that Allah always gives hope.”

17. “Jangan pernah merasa sombong dengan kesuksesanmu, tetapi selalu bersyukur kepada Allah.”

Translation: “Never be arrogant about your success, but always be grateful to Allah.”

18. “Ketika kamu merasa takut, ingatlah bahwa Allah selalu memberikan keberanian.”

Translation: “When you feel afraid, remember that Allah always gives courage.”

19. “Jangan pernah menyerah pada kebaikan, karena kebaikan selalu akan memenangkan kejahatan.”

Translation: “Never give up on goodness, because goodness will always triumph over evil.”

20. “Ketika kamu merasa lemah, ingatlah bahwa Allah selalu memberikan kekuatan.”

Translation: “When you feel weak, remember that Allah always gives strength.”

21. “Jangan pernah menunda-nunda kebaikan, karena waktu tidak pernah menunggu kita.”

Translation: “Never delay goodness, because time never waits for us.”

22. “Ketika kamu merasa kecewa, ingatlah bahwa Allah selalu memberikan penghiburan.”

Translation: “When you feel disappointed, remember that Allah always gives comfort.”

23. “Jangan pernah menyerah pada cobaan, karena setiap cobaan adalah ujian dari Allah.”

Translation: “Never give up on trials, because every trial is a test from Allah.”

24. “Ketika kamu merasa kehilangan, ingatlah bahwa Allah selalu memberikan pengganti yang lebih baik.”

Translation: “When you feel lost, remember that Allah always gives a better replacement.”

25. “Jangan pernah menyerah pada impianmu, karena impian adalah visi dari Allah untukmu.”

Translation: “Never give up on your dreams, because dreams are Allah’s vision for you.”

26. “Ketika kamu merasa tidak mampu, ingatlah bahwa Allah selalu memberikan kemampuan.”

Translation: “When you feel unable, remember that Allah always gives ability.”

27. “Jangan pernah merasa tidak berarti, karena setiap orang memiliki tujuan yang besar di dunia ini.”

Translation: “Never feel meaningless, because everyone has a great purpose in this world.”

28. “Ketika kamu merasa terpuruk, ingatlah bahwa Allah selalu memberikan kebangkitan.”

Translation: “When you feel down, remember that Allah always gives rise.”

29. “Jangan pernah merasa gagal, karena setiap kegagalan adalah awal dari kesuksesan.”

Translation: “Never feel failure, because every failure is the beginning of success.”

30. “Ketika kamu merasa tidak berdaya, ingatlah bahwa Allah selalu memberikan pertolongan.”

Translation: “When you feel helpless, remember that Allah always gives help.”


Ustadz Yusuf Mansur’s words of wisdom have inspired millions of people around the world. His quotes are not only motivational but also deeply rooted in Islamic teachings. By following his advice, we can become better individuals and lead a more fulfilling life. Let us always remember that Allah is with us in every moment of our lives, and we should never give up hope or lose faith in Him.

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